The partners behind DABAI are planning a next phase of the center and we will submit a new application to Innovation Fund Denmark in February 2019. We invite new companies and public organizations to join the consortium.
In the first phase of DABAI, we made several advances in algorithms, machine learning and visual analytics and applied those in several domains. In the next phase, we will take these advances to the next level and extend research themes, such as:
We may extend with new application domains to fit the needs of companies and organizations e.g. embracing domains such as healthcare, climate data and others.
Register for the information meeting in Aarhus HERE.
A similar meeting is held in Copenhagen on 29 October 2018 at 15:00-17:00.
DABAI (DAnish Center for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation) is a public-private partnership, which has been running since March 2016 with support from Innovation Fund Denmark. DABAI boosts the research in big data analytics and makes Denmark a pioneer in exploiting big data in society and industry.
The knowledge organizations behind DABAI are the Alexandra Institute, DTU Compute, Departments of Computer Science from Copenhagen University and Aarhus University. In addition, more than 15 companies and public authorities participate. In its first phase, DABAI has undertaken research and developed tools for big data analytics aimed at use in a broad range of application domains. We have developed a number of big data products and services for the application domains: Societal Data, Food Supply Chain and Educational Data.
The companies participating in DABAI have estimated a total potential increase in turnover of 750 MDKK as of May 2018. Moreover, we see improved services for governmental authorities and the health sector. Thus, it has been a good business case for participants to join DABAI, and we strongly believe that your company or organization can achieve similar benefits. At you may see information about the participants and the organization of DABAI, and at you may read about the ongoing R&D in DABAI.
Information meeting in Aarhus 12 November 2018